Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Sinka Island Park

Singkawang is a small town in the west Borneo, but there are many interesting tourism. One of these is Sinka Island Park that become a good choice, because there is a zoo which has many kind of animal. The Sinka Island Park is a suitable tourism for people whose the childs, to spend their holiday.
Sinka Island Park is located in " kelurahan sedau" , " kecamatan Singkawang selatan", around 9 km from Singkawang center. from Singkawang center you can go to there by bus, motorcycle, and our personal vehicle.
In Sinka island park we you enjoyable the beauty scenary of a cove, which has the quiet water and blast of wind which softness. You can also view the small islands on the both sides. On the sands, there are many small animallike as the small crab, lived in a hole under the sands. There are many big and green tree also, that make the air and the area so fresh and cold. At the side of the cove there is a zoo which has many kind of animal, like as the crocodiles, horses, monkeys, the big snake, etc. In there many kind of bird also, which swindled with thwir sweet sounds.
If you can feel hungry or thirsty, there are the hawkers that prepare many kind of food and beverage. In the afternoon, when the night will come you can enjoylable the exclusive scenary from the sunset. The sunset spray out the orange's light from behind of the island.

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Meningkatkan Kualitas Buah Anggur dengan Giberelin

Para peneliti telah berhasil mengisolasi lebih dari 8O bentuk Giberalinyang berbeda. Giberelin yang ditemukan ini sama seperti giberelin yang ditemukan pada jamur. Hormon giberelin ini mungkin juga ditemukan pada kelompok tumbuhan lainselain tumbuhan biji.

kerja giberelin secara khusus adalah memacu batang agar tumbuh lebih panjang. Aplikasi giberelin ini dapat diterapkan pada buah anggur. Giberelin membuat ruas - ruas batang anggur lebih panjang. Hal ini membuat jarak antar buah anggur lebih longgar. Akibatnya, buah anggur dapat tumbuh lebih besar dan lebih berat. selain buah dapat tumbuh lebih besar, udara disekitar buah dapat bersirkulasi lebih bebas. Sirkulasi udara yang baik akan mempersulit organisme patogen dan jamur menempel pada buah anggur, sehingga kerusakan buah dapat dikurangi.

Aplikasi giberelin sangat menguntungkan para petani, khususnya petani anggur. Buah yang besar, berat serta terhindar dari hama dan penyakit akan meningkatkan harga jual buah anggur di pasaran.